Sort All Revolution 2 Automated Hog Sorting System

The SortAll® Revolution 2 is a highly automated hog sorting system designed to encourage consistent growth, provide growers and integrators with highly organized data, and promote informed business decision-making.

Constructed entirely out of stainless steel, each scale is equipped with a browser-based software interface, giving producers access to both granular and big-picture information on the health and progress of two pens’ worth of pigs. When properly managed, SortAll finishers significantly outperform conventional finishers in sort loss, loading time and mortality.

  • Effective: Encourages consistent pig growth
  • Scalable: Handles up to 1,400 head
  • Durable: All stainless steel construction
  • Efficient: Gathers organized data

SortAll Revolution 2: More than just another scale

The SortAll Revolution 2 pig sorter is far more than just another hog scale. It serves as the lynchpin of Schick Enterprises’ patented SortAll system, designed to ease the transition to efficient, profitable automated swine sorting.

The SortAll system is dedicated to addressing the three core tenants of automated hog sorting:

  • Automatic, repeatable pig training
  • Sufficient access to food and water at all times
  • Scale utilization encouragement, rather than requirement
Just call Tim at (712) 261-0137
SortAll® Finisher Performance by Site
Site Groups Sold Head Sold Sort Loss/cwt ADG F/G % Grade One % Death Loss Avg Live Wt
1 8 22,210 $0.55 1.74 2.89 91.0 4.9 262
2 6 25,227 $0.35 1.82 2.80 95.0 3.3 266
3 5 19,650 $0.48 1.72 2.94 88.0 8.8 * 265

* Site had significant health problems


Conventional Finisher Performance by Site
Site Groups Sold Head Sold Sort Loss/cwt ADG F/G % Grade One % Death Loss Avg Live Wt
4 9 19,824 $1.33 1.74 3.06 90.0 6.1 265
5 6 23,495 $1.82 1.69 3.02 93.0 4.2 260
6 6 22,863 $1.27 1.67 2.97 93.0 3.6 257
7 8 27,629 $1.40 1.69 2.92 93.0 3.0 262


SortAll® vs. Conventional Finishers
Site Groups Sold Head Sold Sort Loss/cwt ADG F/G % Grade One % Death Loss Avg Live Wt
SortAll® 19 67,087 $0.45 1.76 2.87 91.6 5.4 264
Conventional 29 93,811 $1.46 1.70 2.99 92.4 4.1 261

When the system is deployed in a properly designed barn, the results are easier sorting, improved animal welfare, enhanced marketing accuracy, significant labor savings and better uniformity of pigs.

The SortAll Revolution 2 scale itself has a software interface which helps producers monitor the progress of pigs as they grow – and make decisions when it’s time to start marketing. The data collected throughout the production stages is leveraged by the software to provide growers and integrators with valuable information about their pigs.

Weight data in its raw form isn’t of much use because of errors caused by pigs, which are inherent in the automatic weighing process. Sophisticated filtration algorithms are employed to clean data so it can be used for reports such as real-time average daily gain, weight distribution, average weight, standard deviation and market load planning/projections.

In order to put weight data to use and track population changes in the room, a population module is provided. Accurate population information is the key to providing calculations such as pigs started, the current amount in each pen, total died, total culled, death loss percentage, and total marketed.


Does the SortAll Revolution 2 hog sorting system work?

Absolutely – and the data bears it out. When designed and operated properly, SortAll Revolution 2 finishers outperform conventional finishers – with added benefits like business intelligence data and ease of pig handling while marketing.

The following tables compare the performance of SortAll Revolution 2 and conventional finishers across several sites, where more than 160,000 pigs were sold.