BIOvator™ Benefits
The #1 Name for In-Vessel Composting
Let the revolutionary BIOvatorTM in-vessel composter put control of organic waste and mortality management back into your hands. Compost poultry, turkey, hogs, and organic waste in a cost-effective and environmentally sensitive manner.
The BIOvator™ is a continuous process for 100% of your facility’s organic waste or barn mortalities, right on your own site and under your full control. After the initial investment, the annual cost to operate the BIOvator™ is minimal, making it less costly than other waste management options. In many cases, the BIOvator™ is an eligible product for subsidy under the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
“The payback ended up being barely over two years.” – Kent Paustian, Paustian Enterprises
Environmentally Friendly
BIOvator™ eliminates leaching and ground contamination, recycles barn air when used with a cold climate hoarding system, reuses finished compost to replace part of new shavings, and reduces energy consumption.
“We are convinced that we made the right decision in mortality management…I would recommend using a BIOvator™ to anyone.” – Dennis Stevenson, product manager, Sunnydale Farms
Year-Round Highly Automated Functioning
The BIOvator™ is easy to operate. Simply load organic waste and/or carcasses and shavings into the vessel, turn it on for a few hours daily, and let nature do the rest for you. This reduces employee-operating time to achieve the desired composting results. It operates year-round, eliminating the challenge of winter composting.
“…it’s just become a much more pleasant operation in dealing with the unpleasant side of livestock production.” – Mike Heppell, E and H Farms
Third-party pick-ups always carry the risk of cross-contamination – the BIOvator™ allows you to control your mortalities on-site, eliminating the risk of disease in your healthy animals. The mortalities are fully enclosed, so you will virtually eliminate intrusion of wildlife, insects, and rodents.
“I no longer depend on off-farm dead stock pick-up, which I feel has definitely improved the biosecurity of my operation.” – Ted Neufeld, T & D Neufeld Farms
Fast and Effective
The BIOvator™ is a continuous operation where waste is processed into compost in 4 to 14 days, compared to traditional composting methods which can take up to a year. You greatly reduce the risk of disease-causing organisms and odor. And, it uses half the shavings required for bin composting.
“Anything that dies here, we compost it. We compost everything on the farm from the weanling pigs after birth to the 500 and 600-pound sows to any of the other gilts in the operation.” – Henry Moore, operator, Bobcat Farms
High-Quality Compost
As a bonus, the BIOvator™ produces high and consistent quality compost that can be used as a soil enhancer, fertilizer, bedding material, and to control soil erosion of lagoon banks.